Codename: -
Family: Coconut
Introduction Date: 1987
Introduction Price: DM 1499
Discontinuation Date: ?
Discontinuation Price: ?
Type: Scientific, Programmable
Logic: RPN
Made in (known): Singapore, modified by W&W
Display: LCD, 10 Characters
ROM: 20 Kilobytes
RAM: 319 Registers + 64k Rambox
Processor: Coconut 1LE3, ca 400kHz
Size: 14,3cm x 7,8cm x 3,3cm
Weight: ?
  • Modified 41CX with internal 64k Rambox and Turbo-mode (2x Speed).
  • There was also a HP41-CW with a 32k Rambox, based on a HP-41CV halfnut, price: DM 1378.
  • W&W could only build CY´s from HP-41 halfnut version